Celebrating Our Local Heroes
McNeil Printing and The Orem Owlz invite you to nominate your favorite local hero for recognition! There are four categories for nominations:
• Emergency Medical Response
• Military
• Law Enforcement
• Fire Fighting
Our heroes will receive a free 24” x 36” canvas print from McNeil Printing and tickets for their immediate family to attend the Orem Owlz game on August 25, 2017 where they will be publicly recognized for their contribution to our community.
To nominate your hero, submit an essay between 200 and 500 words in length telling us why your hero deserves to be recognized. We will select one winner from each category. Make sure your email includes which of the four categories your hero is being nominated for and how to contact you if your hero wins. Self-nominations are not accepted. Heroes must be at least 18 years of age, but anyone over age 10 may nominate a hero. Submission deadline is August 15, 2017. Heroes must live in Utah County. Winners must be available to be photographed and interviewed. Email your nomination essays or questions to contact@mcneilprinting.com.